Dronspot Spot On Wormer for Cats

Worming your cat is made easy with Dronspot – a spot on application that kills every type of intestinal worm commonly found in UK cats. Fuss-free deworming without tablets, gives you peace of mind that you are helping keep worms at bay from your pet and family.

Please note we can only supply 12 months of treatment per registered pet. 




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Product Details

Dronspot Spot On Wormer for Cats – For the treatment of intestinal worms in cats and kittens, suitable from 8 weeks of age and over 0.5kg bodyweight.

Key Benefits:

  • Kills all types of intestinal worms commonly found in UK cats (Inc. Roundworms and Tapeworms)
  • Easy to use spot-on formula – say goodbye to tablets, worm your cat without the fuss
  • Vet strength formula, fast and effective worming treatment for cats

Why Choose Dronspot Spot On Solution for Cats?

Worming your cat is made easy with Dronspot – a spot on application that kills every type of intestinal worm commonly found in UK cats. Fuss-free deworming without tablets, gives you peace of mind that you are helping keep worms at bay from your pet and family.

  • Kills all intestinal worms commonly found in UK cats (including Roundworms and Tapeworms)
  • Fuss-free worming – say goodbye to tablets with an easy to use spot on application
  • Fast and effective worming treatment in a simple spot on application
  • Vet strength cat wormer, conveniently available without a prescription

Did you know intestinal worms are a common problem in cats? Many cats show little, if any, signs of infection. Left untreated worms steal important nutrients from your cat and can have serious health complications for you and your family. Use Dronspot spot-on solution for cats to kill all intestinal worms commonly found in UK cats.



>0.5 – 2.5kg use Dronspot Wormer Spot on for Small Cats – 1 pipette

>2.5 – 5kg use Dronspot Wormer Spot on for Medium Cats  – 1 pipette

>5 – 8kg use Dronspot Wormer Spot on for Large Cats – 1 pipette

> 8kg use an appropriate combination of pipettes. E.g. for 8-10kg, use Dronspot for Medium Cats x 2 pipettes

How often should I worm my cat?

Research has shown that the majority of cats in the UK should be wormed monthly, based on their home environment and lifestyle such as scavenging, hunting, and spending time outdoors.* However, there may be situations where less frequent treatment is required and it’s best to speak to your vet about the most appropriate worming frequency for your cat.

*ESCCAP Worm Control in Dogs and Cats Guidelines, Feb 2020

Below is a guide to help assess the most appropriate treatment frequency for your cat:

Worming Made Easy

Spot on use for external application to the skin. The cat should be accurately weighed prior to treatment to ensure that the correct pipette size is used.

Remove one pipette from package. Hold pipette in upright position, twist and pull off cap and use the opposite end of the cap to break the seal.

Part the fur on the cat’s neck at the base of the skull until skin is visible. Place the tip of the pipette on the skin and squeeze firmly several times to empty the contents directly onto the skin. Application on the base of the skull will minimise the ability of the cat to lick the product off.

Apply only to the skin surface and on intact skin. NOT to be administered by any other route.

Legal Category: NFA-VPS


Store in the original package to protect from moisture.

Store below 25°C


Dronspot Spot On Wormer For Large Cats (5 to 8kg): 1.12 ml pipette contains 96 mg praziquantel and 24 mg emodepside.

Pack sizes available: Single Pipette

Dronspot Spot On Wormer For Medium Cats (2.5 to 5kg): 0.7 ml pipette contains 60 mg praziquantel and 15 mg emodepside.

Pack sizes available: Single Pipette

Dronspot Spot On Wormer For Small Cats (0.5 to 2.5kg): 0.35 ml pipette contains 30 mg praziquantel and 7.5 mg emodepside.

Pack sizes available: Single Pipette

Important Information

Do not use in kittens under 8 weeks of age or weighing less than 0.5 kg.

Do not use in sick or debilitated animals.

Do not use in known cases of hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients.

Shampooing or immersion of the animal in water directly after treatment may reduce efficacy of the product.

Avoid the treated cat or other cats in the household licking the site of application when it is wet.

Salivation (drooling) and vomiting may occur in very rare cases. Mild and transient neurological disorders such as ataxia (unsteady or stumbling gait) or tremor may occur in very rare cases. These effects are thought to occur as a result of the cat licking the application site immediately after treatment. In very rare cases following administration of the product transient alopecia (hair loss), pruritus (itchiness) and/or inflammation were observed at the application site.

Can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Keep out of sight and reach of children and wash hands after use.

From Vetoquinol UK

Marketing authorisation numbers:
Vm 08007/4159
Vm 08007/4160
Vm 08007/4161

Use medicines responsibly. Dronspot® Spot-On Solution for Cats contains emodepside and praziquantel. NFA-VPS. Further information is available from the datasheet or Vetoquinol UK ([email protected]).

Product Datasheets

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