FRONTLINE HOMEGARD® Household Flea Formula Spray 500ml

With its fast-acting formula, FRONTLINE® HomeGard helps get on top of flea infestations quickly by killing fleas and larvae in the home. It also prevents flea eggs from hatching for up to 6 months. For best results, use in conjunction with a FRONTLINE® flea and tick treatment for your pet.




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Product Details

FRONTLINE HOMEGARD® has a fast-acting formula to help you quickly get on top of home flea infestations. It
kills fleas, flea eggs and flea larvae in your home. And once you’ve started the fight, it keeps on working for up
to six months to help prevent future infestations. For best results, use in conjunction with a FRONTLINE® flea
and tick treatment for your pet.

• Kills fleas, flea eggs and larvae
• Prevents reinfestation
• Long-lasting, 6-month protection

Did you know that fleas on your pet are only 5% of the problem? The other 95% are in your home in the form of flea eggs, larvae and
pupae. This is because fleas breed on your pet and their eggs then fall off wherever your pet goes – for example your sofa, bed or flooring. These flea eggs hatch and cause an infestation.

To speed up eradicating a flea infestation, use FRONTLINE HOMEGARD® throughout your home, including under furniture. Don’t forget the car if your pet goes in there too. Use sparingly on wooden or glossy surfaces to avoid spotting. After treatment, leave the area for 60 minutes and air the room.

For full instructions and warnings, please read the product label before use. Do not use on cats or other animals.

Contains active ingredients: Permethrin: 0.177%, S-Methoprene: 0.00225%
Size 500 ml

1. Treat all dogs and cats with either FRONTLINE® Plus or FRONTLINE® Spot On routinely. Or use new FRONTLINE TRI-ACT®FOR DOGS routinely to treat dogs (not suitable for cats).
2. Wash all pet bedding at 60*C and vacuum the whole house. Then, remove all pets and children from the area before step 3.
3. Spray the house with FRONTLINE HomeGard, treating one room at a time. Don’t forget to spray all the places where your pet goes, such as the car and garage. Leave the area for 60 minutes, then open doors and windows to air the room.
4. Vacuum a second time to eliminate fleas that were encouraged to emerge. Continue to vacuum daily for 7-10 days.


Pease note that due to airmail aerosol shipping restrictions we are unable to send this product to Northern Ireland and non-UK Mainland addresses.

Category: Retail

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