Panacur Granules for Cats and Dogs

Panacur Granules are used for the treatment of domestic dogs and cats infected with immature and mature stages of nematodes of the gastro-intestinal and respiratory tracts




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Panacur Granules are used for the treatment of domestic dogs and cats infected with immature and mature stages of nematodes of the gastro-intestinal and respiratory tracts.

Adult dogs and cats: For the treatment of adult dogs and cats infected with gastro-intestinal nematodes and cestodes:

Ascarid spp. (Toxocara canis, Toxocara cati, Toxascaris leonina)
Ancylostoma spp.
Trichuris spp.
Uncinaria spp.
Taenia spp.

Puppies and kittens: For the treatment of weaned puppies and kittens infected with gastro-intestinal nematodes and puppies infected with protozoa (Giardia spp):

Pregnant dogs: For the treatment of pregnant dogs to reduce prenatal infections with Toxocara canis and the transfer of T.canis and Ancylostoma caninum to their pups via the milk.

Also for the treatment of dogs infected with lungworm Oslerus (Filaroides) osleri or protozoa Giardia spp. and cats infected with lungworm Aelurostrongyles abstrusus.

Panacur also has an ovicidal effect on nematode eggs.

Legal Category: NFA-VPS

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