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Common ear and eye problems in cats
It’s likely that at some point in their life, your...
Hug Your Cat Day 2020: The benefits of cat ownership
It’s Hug Your Cat Day! While nobody is really sure...
Adapting to lockdown: supporting our pets through difficult times
For many of us, the past couple of months have...
Getting your small pet summer ready
There’s nothing better than the prospect of a warm summer....
How to keep your rabbit’s teeth clean and healthy
Dental hygiene is a key part of caring for any...
Ticks and lyme disease: what you need to know
You might have seen posters around your vets practice or...
How to protect your cat from fleas
Fleas are small (about 2mm...
How to spot and prevent mud fever in horses
Any horse owner will know...
Covid-19 update from The PharmPet Co team
There’s no denying that day-to-day...
How to protect your pet’s health during lockdown
With the UK’s coronavirus lockdown...